Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ladies Specialist Doctor in Mohali -Top 5 Advantages and Care

Pregnancy is a very difficult time for all women, as it is not just physically but also mentally challenging. The mother needs good care, proper medical attention, and effective nutrient so that the newborn baby can have a healthy. A healthy baby means risk-free birth for the baby, while less risky for the mother at the delivery time. For efficient and healthy maternity care, it is important to find the best hospital. If you can ensure choosing good healthy maternity care, it is important to find the best hospital. If you are looking, LADIES SPECIALIST DOCTOR IN MOHALI, first you can ensure choosing a good maternity health care center; you can also enjoy the following benefits or care as well:

Safety for the mother and child: During pregnancy, the mother needs constant medical attention in order to avoid health-related complications during this period. After giving birth to a baby, both mother and baby require continuous and effective medical attention from experienced as well as professional doctors. Other than doctors, support staff and medical teams also have to play a major role in this. 

Safety screening test: During pregnancy, the mother has to undergo a number of screening tests. These tests are scheduled by the maternity doctor i.e. the obstetrician at regular intervals. All eminent and professional maternity hospital ensures these screening tests on the mother. The objective of these screening tests is to rule out abnormality or anomalies in the baby. The importance of these tests is that they allow for timely intervention in the possibility of an abnormal baby.

Nutritional Plan for mother: One of the most important things during pregnancy is proper nutrition for mothers. Proper nutrition comes with effective nutritional plans. Under the supervision of an expert obstetrician, pregnant women follow meticulous diet charts. Nutrition of the mother is important for the nutrition of the baby.

Emergency Care: Good maternity hospitals keep the provision for round the clock emergency care for every pregnant woman. During pregnancy, different kinds of physical problems may occur. Some of these conditions are serious, and they may need proper and secure medical treatments. 

Safe delivery of the baby: Giving birth to the baby is a very complex process, and thus an experienced team of medical professionals is required to handle the situations. For the protection of both the mother and child, safe as well as the proper delivery process has to be carried out with all aseptic precautions. For this adequate backup staff as well as doctors from other faculties such as anesthetists as well as a pediatrician are required. Well established maternity hospitals have an established team of obstetricians, anesthetists as well pediatricians to collectively manage the process of normal delivery.

Dr. SK Gambir provides the best maternity care in Chandigarh at very affordable prices, for more information about these maternity care visit website as well. 

Monday, February 10, 2020


During pregnancy, certain types of insects’ repellents are safe both for mother and baby. You should check the product description before purchasing its safety instructions. These doctors assume a basic job in the life of a lady. To search BEST GYNAECOLOGIST IN CHANDIGARH you need to take care of many things. This is also a smart way to get protection against Zika and other mosquito-borne illnesses.

Mosquitoes tend to get more attracted to pregnant females

It is shown in studies also that mosquitoes get twice more attracted toward pregnant female than nonpregnant ones. This happens because the mosquitoes are fond of carbon dioxide and pregnant women tend to take more frequent breaths, exhaling about 21% more air therefore exhale more carbon dioxide.

Another reason why mosquitoes are more attracted to pregnant females is higher body temperature. During pregnancy, women have high bloody temperature as compared to non-pregnant women. Due to the rise in the body heat the more volatile substances are expelled from the body, which makes it easier for mosquitoes to find. In case pregnant women, if you are traveling to insect-borne diseases area then you should carry insect repellent along with you. You should not use repellent more than required and always wash it off when you get indoors.

Be informed about the ingredients in the mosquito repellents:

DEET, Picaridin, 2-Undecanone or IR3535 are the active ingredients in insect repellent that offer safe and longer protection. Apart from these products which are safe are oil of lemon and eucalyptus but they do not last long. EPA registered citronella products are safe but do not last long.
Permethrin is a type of repellent which is not safe to use on skin. They are best suited for clothes, bed nets, shoes and camping gear. You can know the effectiveness of repellent based on the percentage of DEET. The higher is the percentage the less often you need to apply. For best maternity care in Chandigarh, you can contact to DR. S.K. GAMBHIR. She is a well-reputed gynecologist in Chandigarh.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Best Maternity Care in Chandigarh

A woman’s health is essential to the good health of her baby. Women who eat well and exercise regularly along with regular prenatal care are less likely to have complications during pregnancy.
Maintain a good nutrition and a healthy diet during pregnancy is critical for the health of the mother and unborn child. Good nutrition is an important component of a healthy life style and a healthy baby. The best time to review your nutritional status to make appropriate changes is prior to conception. A very important time of foetal development is during the first several weeks of pregnancy. For BEST MATERNITY CARE IN CHANDIGARH, you need to take care of many things.

Pregnancy is the time when weight gain is desirable and it is also encouraged. Recommended weight gain may depend upon number of factors including pre-pregnancy weight. Average weight gain is between 25-30 lbs. Average weight gain may require additional 200-300 calories per day. The increases the caloric intake daily from 2100 cal/day to 2400 or 2500 cal/day.The increase in the serving size would be sufficient to satisfy the increased calorie needs. The increased calorie intake should not be made up of fatty foods but within crease in protein, dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables.
Eating healthy does not mean eating more calories but eating right food which is divided into fats, proteins, carbohydrates plus micro nutrients.
§     All of the foetal body systems use proteins as the major building blocks. Good source of proteins is lean meat, fish, milk and beans.

§        Carbohydrates are the major source of energy. Source are grains, cereals, fruits, vegetables and milk.

§   Fat is important for the foetal nervous system development and for some vitamins absorption. Saturated and hydrogenated fats should always be avoided.

§     Monounsaturated fats and oils such as olive oils and canola oils are healthier. Omega- 3 fatty acids such as DHA have been linked to higher IQ.

Eating a nutritious diet in pregnancy is linked to good foetal brain development, a healthy birth weight and it reduces the risk of many birth defects. A balanced diet also reduces the risk of anaemia as well as other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness. If you are finding Maternity Care clinic in Chandigarh then you can contact to Dr. S. K. Gambhir. She has 35+ experiences in infertility cases.